Greetings, friends, Ukraine is on the phone and we want to tell you about the work we are doing and thanks to your support and God’s blessing we are able to do it.

For the past three weeks, a team of 34 people has been on a mission trip to Ukraine and we have been doing Happy Time.
It was an incredible time, we were very tired, we survived two strong hurricanes, sunshine every day, spider bites, slept for 4 hours, but we are happy, happy that 6000 children and about 3000 adults heard the Gospel !!!!!


The mission involved 4 vehicles, for which we are grateful to all of you and especially to Anatoly Petrovich Kolomiyets who took care of this transport.

Every day at the playgrounds we met hundreds of children, and it was a pleasure to see their smiles, to see them pray for the first time, to see their eyes shine.

A bible lesson was developed for the children, where together with the leaders they searched for treasures, and these were the Pearls of Truth, they learned the golden verse “Know the truth and the truth shall make you free”


During the day, all the counselors talked to the children, testified to them about the love of Christ.

And every child in this difficult time was waiting for Happy Time, with slides and trampolines, cotton candy and popcorn.

There were 10 age teams and 10 counselors on the playground who looked after the children, some counselors had 60-70 children in their team.

In the evening we invited parents, neighbors and everyone who saw that we had come, because it was important for us to bring the Gospel to adults, and we had a play, singing, preaching and testimony for them.

Dear friends, we are very grateful for your donations, because you have invested in the eternal !!!!! People heard the Gospel, we sowed, and God will grow!

We thank each person, especially Anatoly Petrovich, he was with us 24/7, always supporting us.

May God bless you all abundantly!