Mexico 10/17/22
Hi all, greetings from Mexico. We started the week by assisting another missions group “Huella de impacto” to assist post-flood damaged neighborhoods and homes by helping distribute beds and mattresses to those who were in need.
We visited the mens and womens rehab centers, “Dios Provera.” Where we were able to share testimonies, preach the gospel, unite in prayer, and bless them with more donations and refreshments. We then visited the rehab, “El Gran Yo Soy” where we also got to share our testimonies and listen to there testimonies. We brought burgers to have lunch with them.
This week, with the Not Forgotten project, we visited multiple households where we brought clothing donations and basic necessity packages. Often times, these people cant afford medications which are critical to there health, so we try our best to assist in filling these prescriptions. As seen in the photos, the conditions that these people live in are hard to describe due to the low level extreme poverty that they live in. The support that this project provides is a tremendous help for them. Whenever we show up with donations and encouraging words of the gospel, they are beyond grateful that they are not forgotten.
Once again, per usual, we worked in the kids ministry. This weeks topic was the continuation of the “Say no to Holloween” lesson and the importance of not celebrating this holiday that has a deeper meaning of the evil ideology behind it. We also held another prayer over the community on the mountain with the children declaring the Blood of Jesus.
May God bless you all this week to continue working for Him and being a blessing to everyone around you!
by Abby Pavlenko
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