Mexico 09/26/22
Hello beloved brothers and sisters. Greetings from Guaymas Mexico 🇲🇽! We are back with our weekly report. I am currently back in Cuba supporting my mother and the Cuban Happy time team. Abby is still in Mexico continuing the work and she will have several people join her this upcoming week. This week we had our usual children’s program with dinner on Tuesday and Thursday. The the class was on Colossians 3:23 : Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
This week on Wednesday we were able to purchase an air conditioner for a local church with the finances the group left. The church doesn’t have an air conditioner and with the extreme heat here it is really hard to do church service in a building without air conditioning so the pastor and his family were very grateful for the help that IMOCE has given their church.
With the not forgotten program, we visited a lady called Aida. She loves to cook and share her tips and tricks she acquired through the years of being a professional chef. She has a really hard time moving around because of her health and rarely gets out of the house so it’s a blessing to spend some time with her and share God’s love with her and also bring her a little care package.
Thursday we visited the woman’s rehab center “El Gran Yo Soy” to spend time with the interns in fellowship. It was one of the girls birthday so we got to celebrate! We would like to thank you all again for all the prayers and financial support. May God’s blessing and protection be upon all of you!
by Sofia
[sgdg path=”Mexico/2022/09/24″]