Hello dear brothers and sisters, greetings from Guaymas, Mexico.

We are very excited to share with you all that God is doing here in Mexico. This week we met with a pastor of a rehab center that we met when the missionary grupo from Washington came and did  services at rehab centers.

This rehab was really affected by the rains and the flooding, they had 4 inches of mud inside of the building, they lost their 2 refrigerators, lots of clothes, food, and mattresses.

Our mission was able to donate 10 mattresses to them. With the  financial donations that the mission left for them we were able to buy a part for their refrigerator so they can get it fixed and it can work again. Also we bought a pump for sewer water because the one they previously had burnt with all the mud that the flooding brought.

We also destined a part of the finances to buy food. We are very grateful for this opportunity because this was a huge help for the rehab center. On Tuesday and Thursday as usual, we had our kids program but on Tuesday we had a Mexican party celebrating their Independence Day. The kids dressed up in typical Mexican clothing, we had games and Mexican food. This celebration is very cultural here in Mexico, everybody does a huge party with food and games, but most of the kids that come to our program are from poor families or parents that don’t take care of them, so it was an amazing blessing to have this program specially for them, they were really happy.

Thursday morning we were visiting the woman’s rehab center “El Gran Yo Soy”. We brought pizza and drinks and were able to spend some quality time with the interns, getting to know them. The director was very pleased that we were able to support them that way because the interns often feel alone and have a difficult time making good friends so with our visits it’s a big support for the interns

Thank you to everyone of you who support us with your prayers and finances, without you we couldn’t be able to do this great work for the Kingdom of God

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