Hello everybody. Catch a little about us, Mission Assistance, Kenya, Kisumu city, Dunga Nyalenda Kapuote village, slam … We are very grateful to you for leaving us gifts such as Children’s Bibles. Last time there was a Bible lesson in the mountains about the 10 commandments. Therefore, we decided to encourage those children who will learn the 10 commandments and give them these Bibles. This is the first time they have received such valuable gifts.
Held a meeting of three issues YEAR FOR GOD at the campsite. A special and unforgettable time together, worship, seminars, games, communication. Created to remember this moment. Visiting with the products you left for us, thank you Imoce mission. And sometimes visiting in the evenings to find everyone at home.
We visited our teenagers at the city hospital. They encouraged him, prayed for him, and simply communicated. This is Victor from the POCOT tribe, he finished his second year for God. He went against traditions and married according to God’s traditions and today serves with his wife in his tribe, in the church. One of the ministries that he carries is for CHILDREN, we blessed him with a parachute and balls that you gave us to serve in their children’s church. Thank you.
Thank you for your support, both financially and prayer. May God bless you abundantly !!

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