Kenya, Kitale, Okafrica are in touch with you. And we are ready to share the news of the week.

A children’s market was held at Embrace. The children were pleased with the new innovations. For the first time, some of them could buy what they wanted for good behavior and earn points for it. Sunday School in Kitale, In parallel with the adult service, we have a children’s service.

Time to influence children, Bible stories, craft…

The project of feeding children from Khrushchev. Every time, every day, at five o’clock, the territory of the church is filled with children who are ready to have fun and serve them. They are like one family. Going to spend time together and eat dinner.

Sunday School in Birundo.

Another ministry that has begun to develop, and where you need to invest both strength and finances.

This Sunday, thanks to the IMOCE mission, we bought red chairs for the children.


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