During the last two weeks, we had a team of helpers and painted new desks for two schools in Pokota, also made 6 tables for the dining room at a school in Mahuron (an area in the middle of sugar plantations), and repaired older furniture in the classrooms. Several computers were also installed so that children could learn how to work with technology.

This week, with a team of our local volunteers, we are serving school children and the elderly by pulling worms out of their bodies. At the beginning of the school year, after a long vacation, many children return to school infected and in need of help. In the last 4 days, we have helped more than 400 people in the Vihiga area.

I am very grateful to the Lord that I can serve these people and show them the Lord through such things! Thank you, friends, for supporting our hands both prayerfully and financially! Blessings!