A huge hello from the small German town of Bad Liebenzell in southwestern Germany. It was this city that became the home for 25 people from the Mariupol Christian social center for women with children “Little Mom”. We have been living here for 4 months now.

During the week, every morning, and at 7:00 we will ignite the morning prayer for Ukraine. Three times a week from 17:00-18:00 we hold an evening service with an analysis of the word of God. Today we had a discussion on Matthew chapter 5, we analyzed the “Sermon on the Mount” of Jesus Christ. They also began to socialize with women from Germany and, with the help of a teacher, learn German.

We try to continue to develop and socialize children. As you know, drawing is one of the best therapies. We hold foreign master classes for them not only to distract them but also to reveal their abilities and talents.

The impression of this week is the children visiting the pool, we all miss our warm Sea of ​​Azov madly.

There is a lot of work in the center, a lot of all sorts of letters and documents that need to be answered, a huge number of terms. Nobody but me knows the language, I can only resolve issues in English, so I go to different meetings with everyone and help to resolve all documentary issues. There is a lot of bureaucracy in Germany, documents are kept for up to 10 years. So, our folders with documents are growing before our eyes.

This is what our adaptation center in Mariupol looks like now, photos were sent to us by neighbors the other day. Now we don’t have anywhere to return to and we don’t understand how to live either, we learn to live one day, as it turns out this is not an easy test for everyone, and especially for me since I have been planning everything for many years.

Also, the neighbors told us about the death of an elderly migrant from Lugansk, who lived in the building of the adaptation center and died during the shelling of the building, this is the mother of the minister of our center.

A servant of our rehabilitation center “Transfiguration” Grinchenko Alexander was found – a friend and brother who defended Mariupol – our hero from “Azovstal” with the call sign “pastor”. At the very last moment, I was put on the exchange list. Since March 16, we have not known anything about his fate, but all this time we have been praying for him. This is a miracle from God!!!! Now we are praying for the situation with his leg…

We make constant prayers for the pastor of our rehabilitation ministry and my husband, Alexander Matyushin. From February 26 to the present, he has been a volunteer chaplain who travels to the front lines every day and helps the Ukrainian military, as well as civilians.

We continue to pray for the entire IMOCE Mission, for all partners and missionaries of the Mission.

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