Kenya 07.07
Hello everyone from Kenya Kitale. Share news of the week
Sports ministry is gaining momentum. We were with the guys on a picnic, played football/volleyball.
Training is now 4 days a week for 2.5 – 3 hours: 1.5 hours for girls and 1.5 for boys. Helped organize the closure of the Nursery School. Controlled all processes + video / photography. I continue to help with Teens Club.
Since the guys now have a week off, I organized a busy day for them: a big game in nature with stations that include sports games and Bible assignments. The guys also showed theatrical performances with songs and poetry readings on the theme “God in my future”. And in conclusion, a motivational Christian film. It was a very cool and quality time together. Thank you so much for your support and opportunity to serve! A blessed week and God’s protection to all.
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