Greetings! Thank God! We served God closely in Kenya for another week and looking at the news from Ukraine, we want to preach Christ even more and louder in word and deed!

I will always talk about the three ministries for which I am responsible for the ASSISTANCE mission in Kenya, Kisumu city, and Dunga slum.

God gave grace and we believe that this project will exist, despite what is visible around! We have reduced funding, many sponsors of children from Ukraine and Russia, and more than 60% of them today cannot support children. On April 26, our school year will begin. Until now, we are paying off the debt for the last school year and are actively looking for support for the new school year! We believe that the Lord has all the way already open for us! And through this good deed, how to participate in the education of a child, we not only help parents in the financial part but also give a chance for the future for the child himself!

Our church continues to feed the hungry from the slums! Every day 94 people get a hot dinner!

Isn’t this a miracle?! During a crisis, food is multiplied and there is enough for everyone!
HELP project

Made my grandma happy this week. Got the bed! Grandmother lives alone and works in the fields. There is a daughter, but she went to work and has not returned yet. We love this project because we believe that everyone should have a calm and good night to recuperate! And we are glad to give a bed not only to children, but also to the elderly – their first, but life’s bed!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to EVERYONE who supports ministry in Kenya during these difficult times! Thank God that He is Omnipotent and Omnipresent, and today we can talk about him at the equator! All glory to our God
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