28.03 Kenya
Dear ones, hello from the mission field at Dunga, Kisumu, Kenya. I would like to share what we have been working on for the past week.
I have had two leadership meetings. Now, together with the team, we read, meditate and pray that the focus of everything we do will be the cultivation of true disciples of Jesus Christ. This was the theme of our leaderboards. They asked themselves the question: am I a disciple of Jesus and am I raising disciples myself. Also, now we have begun to teach the Church about membership. This week we met with the leaders of the Home Groups about this.
On Saturday, she held a youth service on the topic “How to hear God’s voice.” Youth is so strong in my heart, prayers, and ministry. On Sunday the guy came, Maxwell. A very bad relationship with his mother, he cried, he does not feel that he is loved, the question is why he was born at all. I am grateful to God that I can serve such guys here. I also have a son of his age and he is now in Ukraine, in the midst of these events. As I serve, pray, and mentor these guys, I trust that the Lord will take care of my son.
Thank you for continuing to support me so that I can give the love of Jesus to these guys, the people of Kenya. May the Lord support you in your work for Him. Your hearts and hands will never fail because they are given to Him. God bless you!
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