Greetings friends, God is good, we thank God every day, we are glad that we are alive, and we are glad that we can do something for the Lord. Thank you very much for being with us, thank you for your love for our people, for your finances and prayers.

We finished the tour of the Kirovohrad region. with children’s evangelism Happy Time. The most difficult day was August 24, Independence Day. In Ukraine, they warned that there would be strong rocket attacks, in our city, shops, hospitals, and all cities where there could be a crowd of people were closed, but surprisingly, the local authorities gave us permission to hold Happy Time. Many people said that what you do is not wise, but we saw the will in the fact that there is permission and spent Happy Time. More than 300 people came!!!!

The children were standing still and beaming with happiness!! The whole day there was an air alarm, the whole day the siren screamed, the whole day we prayed like never before and God gave great mercy!

Parents came and thanked with tears, children hugged counselors and did not want to let go, and everyone prayed together, hugged, and cried! It was not easy to conduct the program to the sound of the siren and see in the news how shells were called in the region, but God gave the strength to carry it out! During this summer, we traveled through the Cherkasy, Odesa, and Kirovohrad regions. and more than 8,000 children heard the Gospel.

The summer is behind us and all the IMOCE mission teams have begun to actively prepare for work with displaced persons, of whom there are many. We are grateful to each of you for the humanitarian aid that we receive and can distribute to people in need.

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