Greetings from Ukraine, with God’s blessing, and with your help, we serve and rejoice that we have such an opportunity to serve people and preach Christ!

The beginning of the week began with the preparation of the distribution of food packages. All immigrants who stopped in our city to receive help go through online registration and we divide everyone according to the days on which they can come and receive help. People and displaced persons receive such packages once every three weeks. We also have packages for those who have just evacuated and have come here with something.

We continue to visit disabled people, we deliver food appropriately, we pray for them. We continue to help people with many children, the poor and immigrants with diapers.

Now it has started to get cold in Ukraine, that is why the refugees from Shozh began to go, these are already the last people who sat until the last, without water, electricity and gas. When such people come, the first thing we prepare is borscht or soup.

We thank all of you for supporting us, helping us, sending products, thank you for being with us!

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