We welcome all participants in this blessed group! Again you are welcomed by distant and sunny cube! First of all, we want to thank all the sponsors and volunteers for support in the work of the mission! So the summer ended and the holidays ended. And our Church “High Hall” in the city of Havana held farewell to the summer, these playgrounds once again made it possible to enjoy this beautiful happy time.

There was a lot of music, interesting biblical stories, Christian musical numbers, every adult and small made huge efforts and put a piece of their heart so that the children would receive joy and also learn the path to salvation

We also thank Imos for help in buying Christian literature. At each such holiday, both children and adults, except entertainment and a delicious afternoon snack, always receive spiritual literature

Also, a prayer meeting and a collection of leaders are constantly being held in the church. New and new people always turn to the church who want to accept Jesus and free themselves from their past life. In Cuba, the Satanian religion “Santeria” is very common. This religion involves witchcraft, conspiracies, amulets for the whole family, sacrifice, erection of altars right in the house with various objects of the cult and idols. And when fans of this religion want to get rid of all this and repent, it is very difficult, since it is believed that if you destroy this altar on you a curse falls, so our pastors should help such people and they go from their homes and destroy all these objects cult. This week, the pastor Angel Luis and the leaders of the Church participated in one such process, a whole family who practiced this religion turned to the Lord!



In our branch in the city of Santiago, prepare for the end of summer. Many playgrounds and holidays for children were held in the most remote areas of the country. These events brought a lot of joy and happiness and repentance, many adults and children came to know Jesus, their Savior. And our cotton candy machine brought a special joy to this part of the country; many children have never seen or tasted this sweetness in their lives. We once again thank all the sponsors and volunteers who helped to purchase a cotton candy machine for the city of Santiago. Now the youth and the whole church is preparing for the opening of the new academic year. As you probably remember, there is a kindergarten in our church that receives about 50 children of different ages every day from unbelieving believing families.

Also, an extended day group works at the church, that is, those children who are already in school, after the end of classes, our volunteers bring them to church. And there they receive lessons in school subjects and Bible classes. Teachers and our children prepare for these new lessons.

Thank you all our dear brothers and sisters! May the Lord reward you for your constancy, may all your prayers and supplications come before Him! Special thanks also to those who support us in prayer!

The world is dear to you. And we do not get tired of thanking the Lord for all of you and for your open hearts, and for your readiness to help everyone who needs it. God bless you!

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