Greetings, Ukraine 🇺🇦 is in touch!
Thanks to God and your support, we continue to serve, preach the Gospel and help people.
Central region, Kirovgrad region: we help children with disabilities. Now, when it is cold outside, these children need special care and attention, so we are grateful to you, dear friends, for the vitamins.
These are children with the following diagnoses: Cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome.
Mothers are raising these children and cannot go to work, and fathers often can’t stand the pressure and leave the family, so mothers are left alone with their children, living on a meager pension.
It’s always a holiday for the kids when we come to visit.
We try to bring a productive package, diapers and something sweet.
We attended a party for children with disabilities and gave them vitamins.
We continue to serve teenage children.
We have taken a group of teenagers and are moving through the program “Step to Perfection”.
Each meeting is special, we pay a lot of attention to pastoral care, discussions and reflections.
We do not leave our defenders, we continue to provide assistance by sending them the necessary things: sleeping bags, vitamins, glasses, canned food.
We also received a container for which we are very, very grateful !!!! For us it is a treasure! We will be able to help many people!