Greetings from the mission fields of Ukraine!

We are grateful to all of you for your support and prayers. We want to share about the work of our team in the south. The team continues their ministry for bedridden elderly people. Every month, we visit these elderly individuals and bring them diapers, which we received from the container, for which we are thankful to the IMOCE mission and Anatoliy Petrovych. We have a family of volunteers, Svitlana and Vyacheslav, who have taken on this ministry. I want to share a story they told me.

Each month, we visit different elderly people, but there are some whom we see every month. I remember the first time we were given an address and arrived at an old man’s house. He was very upset that strangers had come and did not want to let us into the yard, but when we said we brought help and diapers, he accepted them but didn’t want to talk. The same thing happened the following month. When we came the third time, the old man said he had been waiting for us 🙏. The fourth time, he invited us into the yard. We had a very good conversation. He first shared his fears and how he is afraid of death, and that he has no one, as his children don’t care much for him. In the end, he repeated the prayer of repentance.

At this moment, I want to sincerely thank you for everything you put into the container. People on pensions in Ukraine are barely surviving right now. The diapers became the reason to come into the home of a person whom the Lord wanted to save. Perhaps the next thing you put in the container will also become a reason!

Additionally, even though we are already working, we continue to make the Happy Time Development Center office more cozy and comfortable. Thanks to Anatoliy Petrovych, we installed cameras, an alarm system, two air conditioners, as well as a shoe rack and a shelf for the coffee machine. The Development Center continues to operate and gain momentum with its art workshop, culinary space, English club, and more. The children who attend the Development Center are from non-believing families, so they are just getting to know the Lord.

We are very grateful to everyone who helps, prays for us, and sends containers! May the Lord bless you all!