Kisumu 28.09
Big greetings to everyone from our mission in Kenya, Kisumu, Dunga. This week I finished the topic “Liberation” at the Bible School of the “Year for God” project. This is a very important topic and now we have to conduct counseling with prayer with everyone. Praying for Edwin this week. His leg has been rotting for a couple of years. Mom also died due to a leg disease. They prayed, broke the curses. We also continue to serve Grenton, he developed schizophrenia. Wants to go back to college. We instruct him in teaching, he began to go to church, do his homework, and began to read the Bible. Wants to be baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit. We believe in complete recovery.
Counseling the family. The husband drank, beat his wife and children, drove them out of the house. We helped her rent a house and moved her things. The husband came with the brothers to ask for her return. We talked to him that first of all he needs God. He agrees to come to meetings. I was in church with my brother on Sunday. His brother wanted to join the church. We will work with this family.
We also talked with Carolyn. A woman with four children. Need work. All the time problems with health, money. They asked about salvation. I could not answer how a person receives salvation, which means Jesus the Lord. Explained the Gospel to her. She has no Bible. You need to continue to work with her.
Met with Ben. It is from the “Year for God” project. And also the captain of the football team. They talked about his relationship with God. He came to the project with not very good evidence. Bad company, smoked weed. But now we see great changes, a living relationship with God. They offered him to start a Homegroup with the guys from his team. He agreed.
Another wonderful event. The guys from the “Year for God” project showed what they had learned in 2 months. These were classes on the computer, making presentations, playing the guitar, cooking courses, sewing. All the guys are great fellows!
On Friday we had a prayer meeting for all the ministers of the church. This is about 75 people. We prayed for all the teams of ministers. Amazing time. Also, everyone was given a small gift of groceries!
On Sunday we met with a family who began to come to our Church. They are ready to formalize their marriage! This is a great victory for us! On Sunday, we prayed for the new leaders responsible for the home groups. Thomas, Milton, and Oscar. These are my helpers in the ministry! For us, it is a great victory and a blessing when leaders grow and take on more responsibility. We also attended the youth homegroup. They spoke of Christ as Lord. What it means to accept Jesus as Lord of your life.
Thank you to the Lord for this week, for everything that He does both in us and through us here on Dunga. Thank you very much to everyone who supports us as missionaries, thank you for your finances and prayers! May the Lord always support your hands as you support ours! God’s blessings to you!