Amosi! It is so interesting that the greeting at the LUA is so consonant with the name of your mission! There is something familiar in this! Praise the Lord for you dear ones and gratitude in your heart! Greetings to you from our mission fields Kenya, Kisumu city, Dunga village, and Nialenda, SLAM.
I will share some news. Of course, as always, there is a lot of time with the leaders to prepare the ministries. Visiting our kids. We see a lot of their needs. And when there is an opportunity, we help. Well, most importantly, we direct their gaze to Christ. Prayer for Unity. Why for UNITY?
Because we embraced teenagers not only from our village, but also from neighboring slums, and often after the service, fights against the neighboring slums and there are fights, theft … Therefore, we teach about it, repent, pray and worship. Preparation and Prayer with preteens ministry leaders. Visiting and visiting and visiting after services and in free time. It makes sense that the preteens service takes place in the evening and the children return home very far away …. the neighboring slam is very dangerous and harsh …. child prostitution … drugs …. poverty … US. These children are faithful in church, at home, and live almost on the outskirts … it’s very far away … but nothing stops them from going to church.
I thought that the water where there was a flood had already disappeared and I even wrote about it …. but it was not there. We went with the leaders to visit our children and I was shocked that the water did not come down everywhere … The father said he was afraid for the children as many snakes crawl into the house (green and black MAMBA) … We brought help and prayed for the family and security and for the water to come down …. support in prayer.
Mom sells vegetables and sends not only her children from far away to our children’s church but also sends neighboring children, we pray with the leaders that the children’s church will grow so that the city will not ignore it and today God is doing this.
We visited the girl Monica, she was born disabled and her mother abandoned her …. the aunt could not leave the baby and took her to her, and today Monica is growing up with her aunt …. the older sister (preteen) brings in a wheelchair … they are from the neighboring slam. … far away … but very loyal … Thank you dear ones for years of loyalty in financial support! This is valuable to me! I pray for you and bless you.

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