Greetings from Kenya, Dunga, Kisumu. This week there were a lot of personal meetings with people. Thank God there are always those who need advice or guidance, and someone comes with repentance. It means the Holy Spirit is working in their lives and it gives us hope and joy to continue to serve.

This girl is already changing the third family where she lives, there are conflicts everywhere. We are trying to help her see the reasons and find a way out. They started talking about one thing, and ended up praying for the forgiveness of their parents. Dad drinks, there are 7 children in the family, mom can’t cope and often there is no food. The girl is hurt and hurt. When they prayed and forgave, she cried a lot. I believe that Jesus healed her.

We have been working with this guy for a month, every week. Wants to be free from drugs. Well done, doing homework, reading the Bible, stopped talking to old friends. Pray with us for change in the lives of these guys.

This week there was a meeting with the leaders of the Youth Home Groups. Many leaders have begun meeting personally with those who want to be disciples of Jesus. I believe this will lead the youth to spiritual growth. I also did a meeting for two adult DGs at our Base. There was a treat, a lesson, and fellowship on the topic “How to become a part of the Body of Christ.” It was a wonderful time. More than 30 people came. I like what is happening now in the Church, in our ministry. I like this topic “Discipleship”. Together with the team, we read about it, pray for it and act.

Thank you, family, that we can influence this tribe here in Kenya. Let the gospel be preached to every nation and people so that our earth will be ready to receive Christ. May the Lord richly bless you for your work in His fields. We love you and pray for you!

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