Kenya 14.12
Hello precious. Friends, thanks to you for your prayers! Literally, on Sunday evening, someone ignited the papyrus and the flame grew so fast and rose so high that there was a threat to our house and neighbors … there were a couple of meters left really to the next house and a MIRACLE happened, as God turned the fire and our houses were not hurt. This video was filmed when we still did not understand the seriousness, but there is no video when we ran to prepare the hoses to extinguish and call the fire department for help. I just want to shout how God is good and merciful to us. Thank you precious for your prayers for our missionaries!
We camped at a children’s church! Thank you, dear, yes, the popcorn machine and the corn for the popcorn itself. My leaders were shocked and served for the first time in their lives educated children who speak fluent English. But we gave joy to these kids and it’s wonderful. Preparing for the CHRISTMAS STAGE “Last Chance”, making a video about SUICIDE. Thank you, dear ones, for financial support, and prayers that are no less important and valuable! Thank you dear ones.