Cuba 13.12
Greetings to everyone in this blessed group, Praise the Lord for you dear brothers
and sisters, for helping with this missionary service in different parts of the world. We would like to welcome you and tell you about the ministry in Cuba.
This week, the High Hall Church from the city of Havana and the church from the village of Caney, Santiago de Cuba held a joint meeting to prepare a missionary visit in January-February next year. We are looking forward to the arrival of our missionaries, we are making plans and preparing for the ministry, which will be carried out for the first time in the East of the country, we pray about this and also ask you to support us in prayer for this missionary trip.
We also thank that the Lord allows us to invite more and more children to Sunday school and our kindergarten, in the church in the village of Kony. On these days, preparations are underway for the Christmas holidays and there was a rehearsal of preparations for the opening of the Christmas period and then a wonderful festive service for children and adults.
Extensive work is also underway in Havana to prepare a team for ministry in the playgrounds. And also preparations are underway for the Christmas holidays. The work of evangelism continues so that as many people as possible find the way to salvation. This week a whole family of idolaters and a church leader received the Lord, along with Pastor Angel Louis, cleansed their house of idols, and destroyed the devil’s altar! Praise the Lord for the opportunity that he gives us to serve people.
Thank you all for your support, for your prayers, for your time! We are all together with a huge family, great strength! Bless our dear volunteers, prayer books, and all who participate in this ministry! Peace to you!