Kenya 12.10
Precious our mission PROMOTION 9 years and the Lord blessed us with team rest. And we rushed to the National Park. It was a blessed time for us, and we are grateful to God for this rest.
We held a children’s church, more than 500 children came, it is always difficult to count the exact number of children.
Preparing a white hen for a Bible lesson, they talked about the actual topic of FORECASTING … in Kenya, in the slums, this is very important, since children are also engaged in fortune-telling.
During the service, there were prayers of repentance, a prayer of gratitude for MANDAZI (local donuts). Many children go from far away, from neighboring SLAMS, to get to the children’s church.
Well, of course, without a visit anywhere. I love this time because you are closer to the needs of our children and getting to know the parents … we explain to the parents what church their children go to because many people are slandering our church. Sometimes we return late, in some houses, you raise the water for the evening and flood the house. We pray for the complete decline of the water. It is valuable for us to be close to these people and to bring the love of Christ to these people. Not a very high-quality photo, and it was already late, but this family is all orphans and lives with their grandparents, they are starving, so we arrived late with food.
I am grateful to you Imoce Mission for your support both financially and prayerfully. I bless you and pray for your precious ones.