Kenya 10/11/22
Hello from Kenya, Kisumu, Dunga.
This week was busy as always. But he became very special to us. This Sunday we had the long-awaited opening of the church. I really wanted everything to be beautiful, so I devoted several evenings to sewing uniforms for the worship group. I really like to sew, and I thank God that I can use this talent to serve Him.
As always, it took a lot of time to prepare for the Pre-teens service. This time almost everything was done by a team of servants. I helped prepare a hot lunch for 250 children.
We had rice with green grams (beans). The children were happy to receive a hot meal.
The entire program was conducted by our leaders – games, sermons, and news. They are well done.
We talked about the topic “Heaven’s Gate”. The main idea was to show Pre-teens that they can enter heaven only with Jesus in their hearts.
On Saturday, we always have a meeting with our leaders, we plan the next meetings. We paint every detail. Who is responsible for what. This time, I will host the program and speak the word, so I spent several days with my friend – the laptop.
Half of the team will now contribute to the hood ministry at the new church. I am glad that more Pre-teens will hear the Word of God. Thank you very much for your support. God’s blessings
by Nata Yevtyshuk
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