Greetings dear brothers and sisters, I am in touch with you from Kenya, Kitale, Okafrica. This week’s news:
At the project of feeding children from Khrushchev, each child was given a pair of shoes. The happy faces of children bring joy to you too.
Sunday school in the village of Birundo. We already have up to 30 children. They studied the history of the creation of the world and how God created Adam and Eve. Today we held a Happy time &Dudu clinic in a new school for us. About 550 children were able to hear the good news about Jesus Christ today. And have a great time.
Dudu clinic: luckily there were not many children with this problem in this school. Up to 20 children received medical assistance. Thank you for your support.
Blessings to you abundantly!

by Olya

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