Kenya 06/08/23
Greetings from the family of Natalia Onguko – Pokot, I would like to share with you how the beginning of June went for you – it was quite a busy and blessed beginning of the month.
At the location where the third church was planted, services are already being held, and last Sunday 11 people came to repentance. But we are still finishing the walls, and the part behind the stage is a room where the pastor will live at this stage.
I also conducted children’s Sunday services in two churches, and had the opportunity to meet with girls and talk about girls’ issues – because the Pokot tribe still practices female circumcision and teenage girls are at risk. This is how they are prepared for marriage. Therefore, along with Bible studies, we explain to them the inappropriateness of such procedures.
After the main Sunday service, people are not in a hurry to go home, and I try to make the most of the time. And we had the opportunity to sit with the women in the shade of the trees and talk about the women of the Bible and the role of women in society. Our moms are always very happy after such Bible studies because they cannot read. Therefore, the Bible verses that we put into them sustain them throughout the week. It is very interesting to listen to their testimonies every Sunday.
We have also completed the pastor’s house near our missionary base, prayed, and celebrated with the church!
And another official opening in June 🙂 Together with the local community, we opened a primary school for children. We managed to involve the educational authorities there, and it is a blessing for us that they showed interest and support and will soon send us a teacher.
We celebrated with a communal lunch, and everyone received a snack.
Also last week, Kenya celebrated its Independence Day, and we decided that it was a great day to bring all the children from our primary school to the zoo and museum. It was their first visit to the city! The children and teachers had a lot of positive emotions.
I thank God and you for the opportunity to work with the young generation of Kenya. I believe that God will change their hearts and minds. And I am grateful that you are becoming a part of it. Blessings to you, friends!