Greetings from Natalia Yevtushyk.

I’m reporting to you about my two weeks in Kenya, Kisumu “mission assistance”.

Two weeks ago we had a great service for our teenagers. 250 children aged 9-12 came. Of course, we treated them to something tasty – donuts and tea.

We had a meeting on the topic of “Sin”. In the end, the children all came to pray. We believe God touched them.

At the next service, there was a real feast for the teenagers. We fed them greengrams on chapatis. This is a festive food for them and they were so happy with it.

We believe that God cares about these kids so much. And when everyone gets a plate of hot lunch, they feel God’s love.

This time we had a Bible lesson about the creation of the world.

I was preparing a program for the children of the ministry for the next two months – I wrote down who would be responsible for which things, calculated the budget, and made a menu.

Every time I gather all the children for a “debriefing”, which is once a week, I come up with a long list of needs. On Saturday, I always buy what I need. This time it was shoes, belts, sweaters as well as special notebooks.

I also visited one of the schools, and we agreed to conduct Happy Time evangelism. So on a Friday, we started preparing everything. We bought everything for gifts.

I am very grateful to everyone for their prayers and financial support. May the Lord bless you!