Crisis center “Little Mom” 15.06
Greetings dear friends! So far, with our crisis center “Little Mom”, we continue to live in Germany. Little by little, we are adjusting to our new life. There is a different language, and mentality, there are no friends yet, and you do not know the laws of this country. In general, you feel like a helpless child.
Every morning at 7:00 we hold prayers for Ukraine. Three times a week – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening services are held. Today we had a special guest – Andrea’s Kraft kgz. This missionary served in Kyrgyzstan for 14 years. He told us how God brings us through hard times and blesses us. Now we have two weeks of holidays for children, and we try to organize excursions for them. Recently visited Karlsruhe. There was also an amazing excursion to the museum of jewelry art. The children really enjoyed it.
The local Mission invited us to take part in a children’s Christian festival. The administration of the small town where we live asked us to help organize a “Lichterfast” light show. As a gift, we received tickets to this light show. The children were absolutely delighted. We continue to serve God and people and pray for the IMOCE Mission and all areas of its ministry.
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