Greetings, friends, Ukraine is in touch, thank you all for your help and the opportunity to serve the Lord! In Ukraine, the war continues for 191 days… But with God’s blessing and your help, we are moving forward and helping others.

Once again we want to thank you for the container you sent us, we can share the products with the refugees living in our region

Our local center accepts people who need help. In every purchase, we put not only products but also Christian books. All the people who come to us are refugees, many of them are left without homes, they don’t have the balls to come back, and there are more than 30,000 such people in our area.

But despite the war, school started in Ukraine, it is online in our region, but a holiday was held for first-graders, to which our team was invited.

And at the end we prayed and when we asked: “Children, what do you want to ask for?” The children answered, “Let there be peace and we will all go to school.” We have never seen or heard that children want to go to school, but now many have changed their values.

We are very grateful to you for your prayers, for your support, for your help, thank you all for everything you do for us!!!!!

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