Supporting missionaries in Kenya 08/22/2024
Hello and greeting everyone.
My name is Baraka and with my wife and son; we serve as pastors in our local church in one of the slums in Kisumu Kenya .
We are grateful to all who have continued to support us and to stand with us in every way there is.
Thank you IMOCE and brother Anatoliy for your continued support, partnership and for helping build a church where people can congregate and worship God.
In October we will be celebrating two years. We have seen lives and livelihoods being tranformed through the church, we have witnessed souls being won for christ and we can testify of the light that the church has brought to the community.
I am happy to share with you what has been happening in the last two weeks or so. As usual we continue to meet wvery sunday for our adult services. God has put in my heart to speak and teach on giving. We have been learning through the Holy Spirit on the same. As a church it remains our vision and desire to share the gospel and speak the truth of God’s word through discipleship too.
It is a great testimony to see people growing in faith and salvation as well as understanding of God’s word.
I recently had a conversation with on of the people who had been coming to church for a while but had not actually received Christ. I am happy that through our conversation, teachings adn hos obedience to the voice of God; he finally acceptedd Jesus as His Lord and Savior.
Currently we serve about 230 adults in the adult services on sunday mornings. We hold other ministey meeting separately on different times and days too. Our ministries include Kids church, Teens Ministry, Pre Teens Ministry and Youth Ministry. About two weeks ago i was part of the team that organized and hosted a great youth convention that wqs held in one of the churches in town.
We pooled together about 400 young people drawn from six different churches. It was great speaking to and serving the youth during this convention. We saw great healing, revival and God’s power in our revival services. Glad to say that we had youth being saved too. About every week I have a discipleship meeting with a group of your people from our church to discuss the word of God and to teach them on raising disciples for Christ.
This week I challenged them to identify two other individuals each from the church and also start the journey of discipline them for Christ just as they have been taught. This is a great revelation. As we are able to raise disciples for Jesus as they also raise others for Jesus. During the week I also get to do pastoral visits to members of our church in their homes; to see how they are, pray with them and encourage them too.
This week I visited one of the women who has been with us since we begin and is also a very active member of the ushers team. She recently had a baby girl and we were there to also pray for her newborn. Even during her situation; She still served God by coming g to church early morning every Sunday to clean the church and even arrange the seats prior to the services.
We thank God for purposeful individuals like her. I also recently had a talk with one of the men who has also been with us for a while now. He serves in church as a translator. He has been struggling with family issues that had weighed him down even spiritually.
Through our conversation he got to be encouraged. We prayed about all these hindrances and we are always trusting God for breakthrough in all these circumstances.
I would also like to express a great and sincere thank you to everyone who supports or feeding program that we host at the Church. We are currently serving 128 persons. These include our grandmothers and fathers; widows and orphaned children as well as the sick who are unable to even fend for themselves.
It is great to report that every single day these group of people receive a hot dinner courtesy of your partnership and support. This project has also been a great tools for us to use to evangelize for Christ and to share the greatest gift; the gift of salvation . Once again thank you so much for your support to me and even to the Church.
Thank you for allowing God to use you bless us, His church and His work.
Keep us in your prayers.