Greetings to all!

My name is Andre, and I serve in Kisumu with the Assistance team. We continue to work and move forward! Unfortunately, I don’t always manage to photograph everything I do. A lot has been accomplished over the past time.

Yesterday, a team of young people from the USA arrived, and now I spend much more time buying food and materials, transporting people, and so on. I sincerely thank you for your financial and especially prayer support. We face various challenges, such as life-threatening protests, financial shortages, and burnout, but together we are stronger and can continue to work here for the glory of God!

I bless you and wish you to spend more time in the secret room, for He is our support.

We are negotiating prices for beans with local vendors. Believe me, it’s not easy. When locals see a white person, they raise the price 10 or 15 times more than it actually is.

I am changing a lamp in the missionary rooms. I am welding a cart to be able to continue working with bulk materials. I am purchasing supplies for the mission, and this was only a quarter of everything that was bought and delivered.

Blessings to you all!