Supporting local ministers 07/09/2024
✨We thank IMOCE for supporting our leaders. This is an invaluable contribution to our ministry, Full of Love.✨
We had an evangelization at a new location in Naelelel, where we plan to open another church. Together with the leaders and our guests, we were able to share the good news about Christ with the residents of the village.✨
Additionally, in our area, we held a service for children with disabilities. In Pokot, people often feel ashamed of such children, which is why they are often hidden and not allowed to leave their homes. By conducting this service, we saw so much joy and excitement in the children’s eyes that it inspired us to make these services a regular occurrence.✨
The leaders continue to assist us in all our ministries. During Sunday gatherings, they either preach or translate for the preacher.✨
They also lead youth services every Monday and much more. 😊