Good evening, greetings to all from Mexico. This week our team started off with helping the local church to pour in concrete for an expansion project for the kids ministry. For the kids ministry, we were preparing for the “No to Holloween” event by making posters and flyers with the kids. Like the previous times, there was also dinner prepared for the kids.

With the rehab facilities that we visited this week, we focused on praising the Lord through worship that we led and also enjoying some quality time and refreshments that we brought.

This weeks main focus was the “Non Forgotten” project were we got acquainted with new people who will be added into our visitation roster. Due to private donations, we were able to prepare and cook 150 servings of plov and distribute to all the families in the project along with the mens rehab facility that we work with.

In conclusion, we appreciate all the prayers and all the donations that make all of this possible. We ask that you continue keeping us in your prayers. God is good!

by Abby Pavlenko

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