Hello from Kenya, Kisumu, Dunga. Thank God for this week! We started the Bible School for the Children from the project “Year for God” Three days a week I teach the topic “In Christ”. We also visited the guys in the evening in their house and distributed ministries in which they would serve and grow.

I continue to meet with young people who want to become members of our church. This Friday I held a meeting with the leaders of youth home groups. There was a wonderful testimony. Our leaders have adopted disciples with whom they meet 1-2 times a week. And here is the result, one girl, who was passive, began to grow and now came to the “Year for God” project. Her leader invited her to his place for the night, together they studied the Bible, talked about God, and prayed. Real Apprenticeship! Thank God!

On Sunday evening we visited the youth home groups. It was a very good time. We talked about friends and influence. And also visited the adult Homegroup. There is no leader, and I decided to lead this home group for now. Praise God that I can be here and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your contribution to the Mission, your prayers, and your finances. I want to share this joy with you when a 15-year-old boy comes for help to forgive his grandmother, who gave her daughter to a prostitute and when her daughter was sick, she kicked her out of the house with a 3-year-old child in her arms. She died and this boy wants to forgive his grandmother. We prayed and he left happy and free.

Thank you that together we can bring the love of Christ to where it is needed! God bless you!

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