Dear all, big greetings from Kenya. We continue to work as we should. And the Lord is moving! This week we have a new HomeGroup leader. Her name is Masi. Will replace Thomas, who is now leading 3 Domashki. And also we started a New Homegroup. Sarah will lead. This week we met with Rosmeri. She repented last week. They gave the Bible, gave the task. Prayed for her child., for healing.

Also passed leadership for youth leaders. Encouraged them to set a goal for their ministry, which was to make disciples. This week is an important event! 26 people were baptized! We have another victory! Congratulations to the couple who are officially married! This is a good example for the Church! Praise God for this week, for all that He is doing here! Thank you that thanks to your work, prayers, and finances, we can fulfill God’s commission – to make disciples! May the Lord richly bless you, your ministry, and your families!

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