Greetings from the equator.
My name is Natasha and I am from the Assistance Mission in Kisumu, Kenya.
As usual Wednesday we are having a great time with our pritins.
At one of the services we treated them to cocoa and cookies.
It was very cold and raining, but a whole room of teenagers came and we were able to talk about Jesus with them.

The children listened attentively and tried to write everything down.
At our next meeting, we fed the children bananas and cereal-like porridge.
We always have a time of fun, but our main goal is to point the children to God, to bring the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit. We believe that only after a personal encounter with Christ can their lives be changed.
We have small groups once a month where we can learn more about the children, whether they understand the sermons, read the Bible, pray… They have a lot of questions, and they listen very carefully and take an active part in our communication
I met a girl who lived in our orphanage. Later we found her mother and brother. And they now live nearby. Now, my mom went to the village, and as it turned out, she hasn’t been home for more than a month. I have already found contacts and we are going to reunite the family
I am also responsible for the orphanage. We currently have 27 children whom we love very much.

I am there almost every day. When they are at school, I try to come every evening to talk to them and check on them.
These two weeks we have been working with a new teacher and developing a new plan for working with the children, especially those who are taking the transition exams.
We also had a question about transferring children to another school: not just all 7th and 8th graders. This is a new program and a new level of education. And in the school where they are now, this program is at a very low level and a number of other reasons. That’s why I went to several schools to find the one with a good price and high quality of education.
Thank you very much for your support! May God bless you!