Kenya 09/15/22
Last week, we again went as a family to serve in our two churches in Pokot – in the village of Kachanguya and Chepromvai. This month we will have a water baptism in the wilderness, so we are holding preparation classes. We also follow the program with children and explain who Christians are and the basics of faith in children’s form. We believe that a new generation will grow there and their lives will radically change!
We had the opportunity to put shoes on 200 children who are parishioners of our churches. For most children, this is the first pair of shoes in their life!
And we also looked after our garden – we started planting spinach, tomatoes, and various fruit trees to help our community with food, especially mothers who are responsible for all the hard work around the house and children. Every day they come to the missionary house in search of food.
And we have returned to Kisumu and are actively engaged in construction in order to be able to host the teams we need. Today we completed the last touches of decoration on the first floor! Yay! And we will be able to return to our home again from the lease. We are very glad to hear that the IMOSE team will come to serve with us! Thank you very much for your financial support. May the Lord bless you!
by Natalia & David
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