Kenya 09/08/22
Greetings to all. Africa, Kenya, and Kitale are in touch with you as always.
And I’ll be sharing this week’s news. Let’s start with the project of feeding children from Khrushchev: every week and almost every day we try to do things with the children, conduct a Bible lesson, crafts, games, watch cartoons, and spend time together. We were able to bless two families, two with bunk beds and mattresses.
The first family consists of six small children and two adults who live with their parents. Only one father works, the mother takes care of the children at home.
The second family consists of four children, the two oldest, the son did not finish school due to a lack of finances and went to tax to have at least some finances. The eldest daughter lives with her uncle, and two younger children live with their father and brother.
The children’s mother died a few years ago, the father can sometimes drink, and there is no permanent job.
Embrace: I want to start visiting Embrace more often and do crafts with the kids and spend more time with them.
I started attending a small church in Birundo, the church itself as a structure is not yet there. But people who seek the Lord and build a relationship with Him have created home groups on Thursdays and youth services every Sunday. Thank you to everyone who supports us prayerfully and financially, it is very important for each of us. Blessings to you!
by Olya
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