Huge hello to all from Kenya, Kisumu, Dunga! Another wonderful week has passed, I want to share what happened here in the New Life Church. I continue to teach the guys from the project “Year for God” This week we talked about the law and conscience.

I like that the guys are active, come up after the lesson, and ask a lot of questions. This week I met with the leaders of adult home groups. It was a wonderful meeting. They talked about the importance of the Word, His Promise in our mouths. Gave a few verses for people to memorize. To have more victories, you need a lot of the Word! Conducted a home group. It wasn’t easy. I understand how few people really have a spiritual life. Now we are aiming more at Discipleship. We want to make triplets of disciples to invest more in those who really want to follow Christ. Of course, I continue to meet people who want to be members of the church or simply need help.

With Vlada, they visited a woman who had recently given birth to a child and brought food. They also talked about her spiritual life. Prayed for her, she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit!

In Homegroup, I answered questions about baptism in the Holy Spirit. And then two guys were baptized and began to speak in other tongues. On the other, I told the Gospel what it means to accept Christ as Lord, for those who want to receive Water baptism. On Saturday, she served on the youth team, and answered the questions of the youth “Is it true that God …. “. Young people want to know God and that’s great!

I also want to share my joy. We have prayed a lot and are working with people at home so that they officially register their marriage. The couple was blessed on Sunday. It was a powerful testimony of how the Lord had changed this family. David drank and beat his wife. But now he’s repented, very alive to God, baptized in water, with the Holy Spirit. Works for us in the Church. Glory to our Lord!

Thank the Lord that together we can serve Him and spread His kingdom. May the Lord bless you! Thank you for supporting my ministry here in Kenya. How I wish more missionaries would go all over the world and preach the gospel. May this cooperation be strengthened and multiplied! May His peace and grace multiply in your life and ministry!

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