Greetings and Hello everyone from Kisumu, Kenya. Happy New Year.
During the Christmas season we had an almost endless engagements with our church work and ministry duties as we continued to desire that Jesus be seen in the lives of people and even more people come to know him through our testimony.

I had a couple more meeting with the young people from our project Year For God where I continued to speak to them about who God really is to us as well as get to answer their questions during our interactive sessions.
This time we mostly spoke about the Triun nature of God and how He reveals Himself to us. I am encouraged by their positive reception to the word of God and more importantly their hearts that are willing for a deeper relationship with God. Great times.

Also had a two day retreat with our church ministry leaders. We took time to pray and worship together and got to plan for the new year. It was also a very important time where each ministry leader got to share with me their vision for their ministry as well as the plans they have for the new year. This is always also a time that as a pastor I get to encourage them spiritually and also to pray with them.

For a better part of the final weeks of December I continue to speak to the congregation about giving all in Christ. God has continued to move in the lives of His people at the church and we thank God for the souls that continue to be obedient to Him. We are looking forward to a year of even gretaer understanding of our relationship with Christ.

We celebrated Christmas in our church at different ministries and even during our Christmas service. The youth; kids; pre teens and teens, all had an opportunity to share the joy of Christ through Christmas. 

Before the year ended; I had an opportunity to also meet, encourage and bless all the servants in the church for the effort they had put in helping ministries in the church . We organized for them a Christmas dinner and got an opportunity to also thank them for their commitment.

We trust in God for an even more impactful year 2024. Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement. May God bless you all.