Today the island of Cuba is in touch with you. This week in the city of Havana, evangelism work and visits to distant missions continue.

We visited Ebenezer, a home group where more adults and children are accepting Jesus as their savior. We visited grandfather Angel, who at that moment was already very weak in health, but still strong in spirit, it was he who started a cell in this village and now his children and grandchildren serve the Lord, and through this family, many have come to repentance.

We thank the Lord that we can bless and support those who need it. Just yesterday, our local church “High Hall” in Havana celebrated its 13th anniversary! A lot of preparations have been made for this holiday. We thank the mission for their support, thanks to you we were able to repair, paint and decorate the church for the holiday.

Our youth, children, and adults were intensively preparing for this holiday. We honored our heavenly Father with glorifications, pantomime, animated the pages of the Bible with theatrical scenes. Also, at the end of the holiday, a treat was prepared. Thanks again to all of you for your help.

At the other end of the island, near the city of Santiago de Cuba, in the village of Caney, our brothers and sisters from the Ducurex church continue their ministry to children through the work of a kindergarten and after-school groups for schoolchildren. Working with these children is very blessed because most of the parents are not believers and through the children, we will reach their families. We thank the Lord for the support provided by the IMOCE mission in this ministry.

Preparations are underway for the playgrounds in the coming days, which will be held together with the missionary team from the city of Havana. We cleared the area near the church from weeds and debris.

We are also grateful to our Lord that he opens the hearts of non-believing heads of government agencies and for the FIRST TIME in Cuba, we were allowed to spend HAPPY TIME in a large baseball stadium!!

Thank you all for your help and please pray hard for this missionary trip, the group will be leaving Havana on February 17th and we plan to hold 8 services and playgrounds, 4 of them in very remote mountain villages where this type of event has never been held before. Pray for the purchase of fuel and also for the purchase of sweets for the children and corn. We have already purchased some parts, but we still need more