Cuba 29.08
Greetings to all of you dear friends! God bless you! We are in a hurry to share very good news from faraway Cuba !! Today Sunday has become more of a blessing for them for the believers of our country: for the first time in 18 months today, Praise the Lord, the government officially allowed holding meetings in the church, of course, observing all the rules and precautions! The church is still under construction, but the meeting is already underway !! Also in Havana, the first meeting was held in the “High Chamber” church! We are very grateful to the Lord that we have this opportunity to open the doors of our churches to all those in need. And the greatest joy that the Lord gave us today: our missionaries were able to serve the children from two orphanages !!! This is just a real miracle of God in Cuba !!! In our country, all these institutions are controlled very strictly by government agencies, believers, and churches are generally prohibited from entering there, but for our Heavenly Father, the entrance is open everywhere !!! One woman was appointed director of one of the orphanages, a very experienced teacher, and, as it turned out, also a very faithful daughter of God, who is a Christian and loves the Lord very much! And several churches joined forces and had a wonderful holiday for the kids. There was a Bible lesson, a lot of joy, decorations and of course a birthday CAKE !! And one of the most joyful moments for the kids was the arrival of our team !! It was a real surprise, they never tasted cotton candy and they never jumped on trampolines !!
In total, 25 days of orphans from two orphanages took part! All children and adults were happy !!! The kids asked for their Mom, the director of the orphanage to jump too !!! We thank the Lord very much for this wonderful opportunity to serve these children and we are very grateful to the Lord for all of you, for your prayers, and for all the finances you donate, so that the name of our Lord would be glorified on earth and that children and adults would recognize Him as possible. my Savior !!! Bless our precious brothers and sisters, and may God’s mercy cover in abundance your families, your businesses, and your entire life!