War in Ukraine 09/17/22
Now is the 206th day of the war, the 206th day of continuous prayers to God.
Our teams located in Balta, Berdychiv, and Oleksandria continue to move forward and we are grateful to all of you for the help you provide us!
We work a lot with displaced people and provide food, especially to families with children, the disabled, and the elderly.
Therefore, twice a week, refugees can receive assistance by prior appointment.
We also provide hygiene products, baby food, and especially thanks for canned food and medicine, as this product is very useful for children. The partners of the IMOCE mission also provided huge assistance – 22 tons of flour, part of which will go to bread that will be distributed where active actions are taking place, the part will go to large families, the part will go to displaced persons and the needy. Let’s also download and help others with the humanitarian aid you sent us.
We were able to help the Hospice, where the elderly live and who are in dire need of diapers, diapers, and wheelchairs. And the “Blaga Vyst” Church, which helps refugees a lot, was interrogated.
But our work is not only in helping but also in preaching the Gospel, that’s why we started active Bible classes with teenagers and we started Teen Club IMOCE Happy Time
We are very grateful to all of you for your support, for your help, for your hearts, we pray for all of you who help in Ukraine, we pray for your families and we are very grateful to you! May God bless you!
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