Victoria School 04/16/2024
Friends, have a great day!
Today I want to share some news with you about the “Victoria” school in Kenya. Together with you, we have been able to provide a year of primary education for children in Turkana. This education was not easy for them at first, as they had to get used to the school rules and behavior accepted in school. But a year has passed, and they have already learned to write, read, and even learn English.
The students of the “Victoria” school are very talented and hardworking. They study the school curriculum with enthusiasm because they know that the knowledge they gain will help not only them but also their families in life.
The classrooms in the school are multifunctional. This class, in the photo, is used as a church on Sundays. And during the week, it serves as a classroom for 50-70 children. In the desert, the wind blows hard, making it difficult to hear the teacher, but the children try their best and thank the Lord for the school in the midst of the desert.
There are classrooms with better conditions built. Because the school is developing, and we thank everyone who allows us to finance the construction of four more classrooms to improve the learning conditions for these children.
Each class has a teacher and an assistant. In 2024, the school has 317 students and 5 classes. So we dream of completing the construction of new classrooms as soon as possible so that the teachers have enough time to personally devote time to each student.
Right now, the school is on vacation. And everyone is eagerly awaiting the return of the school year. Not only because learning in school is interesting but also because there is a two-time meal at school. And children don’t go hungry when there is a school period.
We sincerely thank everyone who supports the “Victoria School” project. Thank you for your trust and support. Together with you, we invest in the future not only of children but also of this region. Because soon this child will grow up, and their actions will affect the society in which they live. And it matters a lot what they learn at a young age.
We are delighted that together we have the opportunity to be part of positive changes.