Victoria Primary School 09/05/2023
Dear friends, we want to tell you about the news at Victoria School.
Thanks to your support, money and prayers, 280 children can study in this school!
Currently there are 4 classes! And it is amazing because this school is a school in the desert!
Kenyans speak three languages: their native and official languages – Swahili and English.
The children who came to the school did not know any of the state languages, and now they learn Swahili and English.
Kenya is a country where people suffer from hunger and thirst. Food and water are very expensive, but thanks to you, the issue of water in the school was solved and a well was installed.
Also, children at school receive good nutrition. .
The school employs 20 people, the teachers are educated and participate in regular seminars, so the educational process is constantly improving and children have the opportunity to receive a good school education.
Much attention is paid to spiritual care, teaching children to pray, namely that each child should come to know Jesus Christ.
We are very grateful to all of you that this school can work, that the children of the desert can get an education and know the Lord!
Thank you for your open hearts!