Our new life in Germany continues in the status of refugees. For almost 2 months we have been living together with the project “Little Mom” ​​in the city of Bad Lmbenzell, which is not far from Kalw. Last week ended a children’s Christian camp, in which our children took an active part at the invitation of one of the churches of Nagold. This week, the older children finally went to school after a virtual 2-month break.

Together with the city, they took part in a charity concert in support of Ukraine. We thoroughly prepared for it and surprised and delighted the mayor’s office. Today we got a unique opportunity to visit the Mercedes-Benz museums in Stuttgart. Everyone is overjoyed

We continue to have a daily prayer for Ukraine at 07:00, as well as a Bible reading plan for every day. In the coming week we have planned a prayer marathon for everyone, every 30 minutes we will change each other in prayer.

We also pray for our pastors, they serve in Zaporozhye. People are being taken out and martyred by the military, among them my husband is the pastor of all our centers. There are 40 people in Mangush now, 12 of them are children, and all of them, fleeing the war, and have help and support from us.

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