Serving the widows

Supporting women widows


“Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27


Over the years, we have visited women who, due to various circumstances, have become united by one status – a widow. A lot fell on their shoulders: children, work, everyday life, all this with a heavy experience of grief and many questions to God. From time to time we came to visit them, brought food sets, communicated and prayed for them, but we did not have a separate ministry for such women, but God spoke to our hearts to give more attention to these sisters, so that it would be whole serving our mission.

On September 23, 2021, we held the first service for widows in the city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region.  A dinner was prepared especially for the widows, a beautiful table was laid, a cozy atmosphere was created, gifts were prepared (food, cleaning and hygiene products, sweets, towels, an organizer in which everything was folded) and widows from different churches were invited.

The meeting was very touching, the women opened their hearts, shared their experiences, with tears in their eyes, talked about the difficulties they had to face after losing their breadwinner. It is especially pleasing that they were able to get to know each other, to see that they are not the only ones going through similar difficulties in life and can become a support and example for one another. God blessed this meeting in a special way. The women were very happy and grateful that they were served in such a way that for a long time they could speak out, discuss their problems, pray for each other and, without hesitation in their tears, tell their life stories.

The meeting was very touching, the women opened their hearts, shared their experiences, with tears in their eyes, talked about the difficulties they had to face after losing their breadwinner. It is especially pleasing that they were able to get to know each other, to see that they are not the only ones going through similar difficulties in life and can become a support and example for one another. God blessed this meeting in a special way. The women were very happy and grateful that they were served in such a way that for a long time they could speak out, discuss their problems, pray for each other and, without hesitation in their tears, tell their life stories.

Recently in Kiev, we were able to visit a family, this is the family of a pastor who passed into eternity three months ago, here he has a wife and three small children. For her, we have collected exactly the same gift as for other women. She was glad of our arrival, we talked a lot and prayed together, this meeting was a support for her and a reminder that the Lord did not forget her in these difficulties. We see how relevant this ministry is in our time, when the whole society is immersed in vanity and there is no time to look at their neighbor, and widows are so in need of support. Therefore, we pray and develop a strategy for Widows Service throughout Ukraine.