Kenya 27.05
Hello everyone!
#Kenya #Mombasa #Imoce
I’d like to share the latest updates here on the mission field. Got to visit a new village called Miritini and a church there, and got to encourage the believers there, we were told that many people in this village are struggling with alcoholism, witchcraft, poverty, uneducated, and some don’t know how to even write their own name, it’s also a place with a lot of Muslims there. this place needs a lot of help, please keep us in your prayers as we go to minister there. God gave me a new place to live right next to the Muslim Mosque, and it happens to be the closest place to get fresh drinking water, when I went there to get water the people there started talking to me and found out that I’m Christian, and were asking me so many questions about Jesus, right at the mosque! I praise God for this opportunity to share about Jesus with the Muslims!
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