Victoria Primary School 11/09/2023
Welcome, friends! We want to share some news from Kenya, specifically about how Victoria School in the desert is operating.
On the evening of October 30, 2023, the first-grade graduation took place at Victoria School. Parents and guardians were incredibly happy to see their children at the graduation ceremony. They had never seen anything like it before, hearing their children singing and speaking in English and Swahili. They were extremely happy and blessed the school sponsors for giving their community hope.
The village of Natidao continues to benefit from the water that was drilled for the school. Thanks to God and a big thank you to all the sponsors, you can imagine how many families now have access to water! Water in the desert is life!
Classes are ongoing at the school, where children study mathematics, English, Swahili (the native language), and natural science. Daily Bible lessons are also held, teaching students the concepts of good and evil.
Currently, there are 280 children in the school, but this number grows every day as parents pull their children through the fence to attend. For most, the school lunch is their only meal of the day.
Victoria School is located in the desert, so it differs from the schools we are accustomed to. Here are the school classes. There are so many children that there are not enough desks for everyone, and many children sit directly on the sand.
However, the primary goal is to introduce every child to Jesus Christ. We are very grateful to all the sponsors for bringing the Gospel to the Kenyan desert!
Thank you for supporting the children, providing them with food and knowledge!