Kenya 06/13/2024
Greetings from Natalia Onguko, my family together with the local team are serving unreached communities in West Pokot.
We are so blessed and thankful to have IMOCE support group to pray and give financially to missionaries and 4 pastors that we can continue work on a ground 🙌
My family is going through some exciting changes – we are expecting our third child, and I had to slow down on my travels between Kisumu and Pokot. But all the activities and programs are continuing, and I would like to share a couple of things…
During the past period, four of our pastors visited two schools within our church location and held four meetings with over 200 high school students in what has now become a weekly scheduled meeting for the pastors. This is a good outreach event to the young people ensuring that they hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. The same pastors conducted 8 bible study lessons with church members on Wednesdays and Thursdays, visited 7 homesteads in their pastoral weekly visits, and encouraged the members of the homesteads in their crosswalk.
One of our Pastors took the initiative to train women from the church on how to make donuts, the ladies took up the challenge very well, and are currently making lots of donuts and selling them in the local market during market days giving themselves an additional source of income and empowerment.
Pastor Daniel from one of our churches had a motorbike accident, and his leg was greatly injured. As a team we had to rotate in shifts for programs to continue in the Life Center that he is pastoring.
These past weeks’ work towards completion of the main kitchen in our first church location continued and the kitchen is almost done with just the remaining paintwork and a few touches.
At the same time, we continued working on the girls’ shelter, the roofing work is completed and now we embark on plumbing and electricity piping works which are currently underway.
With great joy we continue to provide a safe space for the vulnerable girls in West Pokot, female genital mutilation, child marriage, child abuse, and neglect are some of the pertinent issues that girls are vulnerable to. One more girl was rescued by the children’s department in West Pokot and brought to our shelter for support. The girl has a passion for dressmaking hence through our social worker, we have placed the girl under skilled mentorship where she is now pursuing her passion in dressmaking. 15 other girls continue with their education being taken to and from school every day by our driver using the temporary Van that was allocated to the shelter for girls’ support.
Once again want to appreciate IMOCE team for your financial support! May God abundantly bless each one of you 💕