Kenya 03/28/23
My name is Natasha Yevtushyk and I serve in Kisumu, Kenya, in the Dunga slum.
Every Wednesday we hold our meetings for children from 9 to 13 years old. We always try to make the meeting interesting. The preparation itself lasts several days – we always have a sermon, worship, games, interesting stories, introductions, and ice-breaking.
At one of the services, we held a lottery – we gave away various books, coloring books, and sweets, but they were most excited about flour, beans, jam, and porridge.
We also held an evening of praise. The desire and goal of our team are for the children to experience God in their lives. Such evenings are something extraordinary. Many children want to know God.
During these two weeks, you treated the children to porridge with bananas and tea with cookies.
I’m also responsible for the orphanage. We have 28 children at the moment. During these two weeks, I managed to visit the school, solve some issues there, and prepare information and photos for future reports.
We had some time together. The school was closed for 3 days for the holidays, so we were able to play, socialize, draw, and talk. We also went for walks to the lake, we were even blessed with drinks.
Also on Thursdays, I hold knitting classes with young people from the “Year for God” project. I have very skillful students, so you can already see their results, although they started only a month and a half ago.
Thank you very much for your support.